
Content and Process Theories of Motivation & Motivation Techniques


  • Unit No: 12
  • Level: High school
  • Pages: 3 / Words 853
  • Paper Type: Assignment
  • Course Code: N/A
  • Downloads: 1097
Brief :
Organization Selected : Tesco

LO1 How culture, power and politics have influence on behaviour of others in Tesco

 by using Tesco, do identify the influence of the culture, power and politics and also provide the critical analysis of same which impact individual as well as team behaviour and performance

LO2 How individual and team can be motivated for achieving the goal

In context to Tesco, explain how the content and process theories of motivation and some of the motivational techniques helps in achievement of the goals. Along with this also provide the critical evaluation

LO3 How effective cooperation can be made with others

Taking in context Tesco, how the effective team is distinct from ineffective team. In this reference, you are requiring to provide some group development theories that aids in the development of the dynamic cooperation

LO4 Implement certain concepts and philosophies of the organisational behaviour in a business situation

 Apply certain theories of the organisation behaviour and also provide the justification for the series of concepts that will inform and influence the behaviour in negative and positive way. Also do the critical evaluation of the team development theories.

Business scenario for LO1 and LO2

An invitation is sent to you for attending a discussion presented by the local employer advisory forum. Consider Tesco, as an organisation. The aim behind this discussion is to demonstrate the impact that is provided by the organisation culture and motivation on the performance and behaviour at the workplace. Select which organisation culture and motivational theory can be found in an organisation. After this discussion, evaluate which theory affect the behaviour and performance. Conclude this by providing valid justification and recommendations. Produce a report that will cover aspects like motivational theories and techniques applied to the organisation.

Business scenario for LO3 and LO4

make a group in order to take part in the activity for testing the group and teamwork theories like Belbin, Tuckman. In this process, identify those factors and skills which benefits or restrict the effective teamwork. Consider accurate philosophy regarding the team performances and its influence on the behaviour.

After this provide a reflection on concepts and theories of team performance, analyse the dynamics of team, its members roles and behaviour. Conclude this by giving an explanation of the factors that is important for effective achievement of the objectives in team and the aspect that is a threat in successful achievement. The task is to-

  • make an assessment for the benefits that arise when working in a team: in this reference identify the mix of knowledge, skills and experience that is vital for the fulfilment of the functions by the team in Tesco
  • Elaborate the advantages of working in a team as a member and leader for the goals and dealing with the conflict \
  • Do a review of the effectiveness of the teamwork
  • Relate the effectiveness of the teamwork

Learning outcome




LO1 How culture, power and politics have influence on behaviour of others in Tesco

P1 Identify the way in which culture, politics and power impacts the behaviour and performance of individual as well as team

M1 Do a critical analysis of the influence of culture, power and politics on the team and individual behaviour and performance

LO1 and LO2

D1 provide the critical evaluation of the relationship of the culture, power and politics which makes the organisation to achieve success and also provide certain justification

LO2 How individual and team can be motivated for achieving the goal

P2 by using the content and process theories of motivation and some of the motivational techniques, explain how goals can be effectively achieved

M2 Do a critical evaluation of the influence of behaviour on others by application of the motivational theories, concepts and models

LO3 How effective cooperation can be made with others

P3 what makes an effective team as opposed to ineffective team

M3 in support of development of the dynamic cooperation, what are relevant team and group development theories.

LO3 and LO4

D2 How the team development theories are relevant, critically evaluate the same.

LO4 Implement certain concepts and philosophies of the organisational behaviour in a business situation

P4 make use of certain concepts and philosophies of organisation behaviour

M4 provide the justification of the concepts and behaviour that influence the behaviour in positive and negative way.

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